After drawing the design, the participants follow a process that is known to be complicated, which is pencantingan (waxing). Waxing is a process where the wax is put on the fabric according to the design that was drawn on the fabric using a special tool. The hot wax that was put on the fabric will be the design of the final batik cloth.
Once the intricate process of waxing is finished, the next process is dyeing the fabric. The fabric that has passed the waxing process is then dipped in chemical substances to give the base color of the fabric, like blue, purple, red, etc. After being dyed, the fabric is dipped into a drum filled with boiling water. The purpose of this is to melt away the wax, so that the design can be seen more clearly.
The fabric that has been dyed and had its wax melted off is then cleaned and dried. This dried fabric is final result of the personally-crated batik process. This workshop gives a memento for

New Experience
Despite all the complexity encountered in creating a batik cloth, the participants claim to be happy with the workshop. For many participants, this is the first time they have gone through a process of making their own batik cloth. "This is the first time I have made batik, and the process is interesting and fun," said Gabriela Christy, one of the participants.

When questioned about the most difficult part of the process, Gabriela commented, "The waxing, difficult and needs to be meticulous." Despite that, Gabriela is satisfied because of gaining new experience in creating a product of original Indonesian culture.
Original Indonesian Culture
Batik is a work of art in the form of writing or pictures that is created using wax to block out certain colors. Currently, batik is recognized as one of Indonesia's original culture. This culture is not only a Javanese culture, but the culture of all of Indonesia.
This culture should be passed on to all facets of Indonesian society, from generation to generation. One of the ways this can be done is by holding workshops like the one described here. Having batik workshops like this one is one of the ways of planting original Indonesian culture within students.
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