The correlation between energy challenges and climate change is an increasingly interesting issue nowadays. The impacts of climate change gets more visible day by day in Indonesia. Energy efficiency could be one alternative to prevent its increasingly worrying impacts. These were small examples of the discussions in the studium generale on energy challenges and climate change by Shell Indonesia Country CHairman Darwin Silalahi last Monday (26/04/10) in Campus East Hall.
The discovery of oil and gas 100 years ago in Pangkalan Brandan, Indonesia, became a phenomenon. Since then, Indonesia's transportation sector has been developing rapidly. Due to that, Indonesia's carbon emission also increases over the years. A few decades later, the impacts of the increasing carbon emission to the environment was starting to be quite visible. Every 10 years, the world temperature would increase, which would result into an imbalance in nature and later on to climate change.
Human civilization depends heavily on earth's energy availability. But the utilization of alternative energy is still very minimum and the fossil fuel resources are getting scarcer while human needs and consumption increase. Due to these problems, researches on energy efficiency became increasingly popular.
Efficient energy is bound to be something very essential in the future. Shell, a multi-national oil corporation, predicts that in 2050 global carbon emission would reach a critical level if no carbon dioxide reduction is made from early on. "To prevent dangerous impacts of climate change, carbon dioxide concentration in earth's atmosphere cannot exceed 368 ppm in 2050," conveyed Darwin.
Continuing his previous explanations, Darwin also specified that climate change anticipation can be done using a blueprint scenario. A blueprint scenario is a plan of energy use, taking into account factors such as economic balance, human welfare, and environment. Beside the aforementioned scenario, there is also an energy usage plan that only takes into account the present consumption rate instead of the long term impact. This plan is called the scramble scenario. For the next five decades, significant distinctions in results will be found between these two scenarios.
"Based on experts' calculations, the blueprint scenario would be successful to reduce carbon emission to a non-dangerous level by 2050. While scramble scenario would only increase global carbon emission," Darwin explained. Absolute efficiency needs to be done if people's lifestyles don't change.
"Actual involvement from ITB was seen in its Mechanical Engineering Students' participation in this year's Shell Eco-Marathon Asia. The ITB team successfully manufactured a car prototype that was fuel-efficient to an incredible rate of 1000 km/liter. This is a very applaudable achievement and one that should be an inspiration for the rest of ITB," Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Suharto, MSc. said in the studium generale yesterday.
The discovery of oil and gas 100 years ago in Pangkalan Brandan, Indonesia, became a phenomenon. Since then, Indonesia's transportation sector has been developing rapidly. Due to that, Indonesia's carbon emission also increases over the years. A few decades later, the impacts of the increasing carbon emission to the environment was starting to be quite visible. Every 10 years, the world temperature would increase, which would result into an imbalance in nature and later on to climate change.
Human civilization depends heavily on earth's energy availability. But the utilization of alternative energy is still very minimum and the fossil fuel resources are getting scarcer while human needs and consumption increase. Due to these problems, researches on energy efficiency became increasingly popular.
Efficient energy is bound to be something very essential in the future. Shell, a multi-national oil corporation, predicts that in 2050 global carbon emission would reach a critical level if no carbon dioxide reduction is made from early on. "To prevent dangerous impacts of climate change, carbon dioxide concentration in earth's atmosphere cannot exceed 368 ppm in 2050," conveyed Darwin.
Continuing his previous explanations, Darwin also specified that climate change anticipation can be done using a blueprint scenario. A blueprint scenario is a plan of energy use, taking into account factors such as economic balance, human welfare, and environment. Beside the aforementioned scenario, there is also an energy usage plan that only takes into account the present consumption rate instead of the long term impact. This plan is called the scramble scenario. For the next five decades, significant distinctions in results will be found between these two scenarios.
"Based on experts' calculations, the blueprint scenario would be successful to reduce carbon emission to a non-dangerous level by 2050. While scramble scenario would only increase global carbon emission," Darwin explained. Absolute efficiency needs to be done if people's lifestyles don't change.
"Actual involvement from ITB was seen in its Mechanical Engineering Students' participation in this year's Shell Eco-Marathon Asia. The ITB team successfully manufactured a car prototype that was fuel-efficient to an incredible rate of 1000 km/liter. This is a very applaudable achievement and one that should be an inspiration for the rest of ITB," Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Suharto, MSc. said in the studium generale yesterday.
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